
B1 free archiver v1.7
B1 free archiver v1.7

b1 free archiver v1.7

Seeking to save your time and improve your experience with B1 Free Archiver 0.7.1 developers included numerous new features like drag-and-drop and archive in archive full support and improved user interface design. 23, 2012 - PRLog - B1 Free Archiver v0.7.1 available - now multilingual and more handy than ever New York, NY, 1 November, 2012 - New version of B1 Free Archiver is now available for download.

b1 free archiver v1.7 b1 free archiver v1.7

B1 Free Archiver is 100% free for both personal and commercial use.Nov. B1 supports most common formats as well as its own (b1, zip, rar, 7z), and works on all popular platforms - Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.


Launched in 2011, B1 Free Archiver remains the most friendly and simple software to open and create archives. Other features include archive testing, creation of separate folders for a group of chosen files, etc.” Keyboard fans will appreciate hotkeys navigation and keyboard shortcuts. We have significantly improved drag-and-drop support. Considering all propositions and requests coming from our users we’ve come up with various nice little tweaks. “In addition to major improvements we have worked on every possible detail as the devil usually hides in it. It’s a great step towards better customization. At the same time our extra features can satisfy most sophisticated tastes. We made B1 Archiver even more simple for those who don’t want to go deeply into all the options it can offer. We did manage to keep our archiver clear and friendly as always regardless of adding more features for advanced users. “I am really proud of our team and all the work we’ve done. It will extract all the parts of the archive which are possible to extract and will ignore the parts which are missing or broken. However, if you are sure those parts of the archive you need are there - choose a repair mode. The thing is that if you try to extract such archives the program will refuse to do that because of not being able to unpack all the files correctly. The solution for the broken archives or the ones with missing parts is finally found too. There is no need to make one-time decision - default open action can be changed any time. “Open in B1 Free Archiver” will be useful for those who usually work with large archives but need to unpack only some files contained in the archive.

b1 free archiver v1.7

“Just extract, do not ask” option is rather self-explanatory. It enables to pick the most appropriate action when opening an archive. For example, “Ask me what to do” option is better for those who work with various files and content. With the new default open action feature every user will be able to adjust the usage of B1 Free Archiver right to his needs.


Only the person who knows the password can see the contents of the archive. After receiving the archive he or she just needs to enter the password and voila - all the files are there safe and sound. All one has to do is to choose a password for an archive and share the password with the person who is going to open it. This is very useful when the content of the archive is not desired to be seen by everyone. The new version of B1 Free Archiver now provides an opportunity to create password protected archives. possibility to create separate archives with one click Its most prominent improvements include protection of your archives with password, possibility to choose and set default open action and to repair broken archives. 1.0.37 embodies the best achievements and efforts of the developers’ team to make the user experience with B1 Free Archiver better than ever. New York, NY, Ma-( PR.com)- B1 Free Archiver is ready to step out in its newest version.

B1 free archiver v1.7