
R controlled vowel sounds
R controlled vowel sounds

r controlled vowel sounds

Make this a competitive game by using a stopwatch to see who finishes first! Giving a physical form to words helps in visualising the words and remembering their pronunciations more effectively. Now, give them a word with an R controlled vowel and let them look for the correct letters and string it on the bead within one minute.

r controlled vowel sounds

Give your child some beads with letters written on them, along with a lace or string. It will help improve your child’s focus and observation and will make them notice how different words have a variety of sounds. This is an activity you can conduct anytime, because all you need is a printed passage, like from an old book, and a highlight or pencil. Give your child a paragraph to read and ask them to highlight words that have R controlled vowels. Ask your child to fill in the blanks with any word of their choice that sounds similar or rhymes with the first.Įg – You can give them the word bird, and they can write next to it ‘word’ or ‘herd’. Write a few words with R controlled vowels, and another column left blank. For instance, far, fir, for, fur or star, stir or warm, worm. Ask them if they can replace the vowel with another to make a new sensible word. Give your child a small word with an R controlled vowel. Ask them to draw a consonant from the bag, and see if they are able to make any word out the tiles in hand, using a vowel and R adjacently. Now, hand your child 5 tiles, one of each vowel and an R tile. Keep the consonants inside an opaque bag. Get some scrabble tiles and separate the ‘r’ tiles, vowels and consonants. Activities For The R Controlled Vowels 1. The ‘or’ combination can also be used to represent /er/ in the second or third syllable of a word, as in ‘doc-tor’ or ‘dec-or-ate’. I t makes sense to teach ‘wor’ and ‘war’ in the same lesson as both are under the control of both ‘r’ and ‘w’. ‘W’ as the Wizard W, as it can change the usual representation of /u/ to ‘o’ and the usual representation of /or/ to ‘ar’. Watch for student confusion with the irregular word ‘were’. The ‘r’ in words like ‘word’, ‘worm’, and ‘worth’ changes that short/u/ sound to /er/.When ‘w’ comes before ‘o’ in a syllable, it changes the vowel sound to short /u/ as in ‘wonder’.Introduce ‘er’, ‘ur’, and ‘ir’ together initially but make the ‘er’ representation your first focus so that the child can build confidence using the most common representation. Knowing the frequency of each representation can help your child make an educated guess regarding the correct choice of representation, as there are no rules guiding choice in one-syllable words. The second most frequently heard R Controlled Vowel sound is /er/. Remind the students of the mnemonic ‘R in charge’ – the letter ‘r’ must be in charge of a vowel when representing /ar/, so when writing /ar/ the vowel ‘a’ must precede the ‘r’. The sound that the letter ‘r’ represents is similar to the sound of a puppy barking, /r/, as in ‘red’ and ‘run’. Explicitly teach them that the letter name for ‘r’ is pronounced as /ar/ but this is not the sound it represents. This is a confusion of letter name and sound. A common spelling error of beginning spellers is writing the letter ‘r’ by itself for /ar/. Once your child can read ‘ar’ words, you can move on to the spelling of these words. The three-letter representations of R Controlled Vowels sounds /er/ and /or/ are more complex than the two-letter representations. There are also some complex representations like ‘oor’, ‘eer’ or ‘ear’ that have unique sounds. Stand alone, the word Or has a different pronunciation compared to the or sound in words like worm and doctor, where it changes the O sound to er. Or – This might be the trickiest representation.It can at times be confusing due to homonyms, like fur and fir, or sur and sir. Ir – This is another representation of the /er/ sound.Thus, children need to be familiarised with these words by reading more and more. There aren’t any specific rules as to which representation is to be used for which word. Ur – The ur representation is similar to er, pronounced as /er/ in the word.However, this pronunciation can easily be confused with some ir or or representation. Er – The er representation is pronounced as /er/ in most cases, except in some where it may take on an /uh/ sound.

r controlled vowel sounds

Ar – The /ar/ sound has just one representation, as R dominates the pronunciation.The changes in the vowel sound due to the presence of R next to it makes it an R controlled vowel sound. Or is also pronounced differently in thorn and doctor. For instance, ‘Ar’ is pronounced differently in car, beggar and arrow.

R controlled vowel sounds